Useful Links are listed here to provide site visitors resources for additional Information:
Ahava B'Shem Yeshua Mobile App 
You can download the Ahava B'Shem Yeshua Mobil Application by going to the App Store on your Apple Device and enter Church Spring in the search bar. ( or you can get the application on Google Apps ( The application is Free! Once you have installed the application on your device then you will be promted to enter your church. Simply Type in Ahava and then click to confirm and you will have access to Ahava B'Shem Yeshua on your phone or other smart devices.
Bible Apps:
Here are a few free Bible applications that are useful for all your needs. Whether on your computer, smartphone or tablet device you can either bookmark or download these applications and use them and easily navigate from one translation to another for comparison. These programs also offer daily reading and programs based on a variety of topics.
The Bible Gateway app is a free Bible application and offers the Tree of Life translation of the Bible and the Complete Jewish Bible in addition to many other versions. It also includes access to numerous commentaries and reading plans.
The Blue Letter Bible is a free Bible application that is very useful as a study guide to the scriptures. It has numerous study tools to provide for an in-depth study of God's Word.
The Olive Tree Bible is a free Bible Application with a variety of Bible versions and offers a myriad of reading plans and scriptural support for day-to-day life and its challenges.
Torah Class is a non-denominational Gentile Christian and Messianic Jewish organization that provides teaching of the scriptures from its Jewish Roots.
Jewish Voice Ministries International is an Messianic Organization that is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel to the Jew first and also to the Gentile, grow the Messianic community and bring understanding of the Messianic roots to Christian churches.
The Messianic Jewish Alliance of America is an organization founded in 1915 and is the world's largest organization representing the Messianic Jewish Community.